2010年6月17日 星期四

Download and save youtube videos by Getv:Direct download(I)

Thanks for using "Getv"。It's a free site tool to download and save your favorite youtube video clips. More and more people use Getv to download and get their favorite youtube videos now. If you like Getv, feel free to forward this tutorial and help introduce Getv to other people.

There are two ways to use Getv. Both of them are very simple to do. One is the "direct download" method. It's the easiest way to download youtube videos but takes much load burden of Getv. The other is the "Bookmark download" method. It is more recommended because it's easy too and does not take any burden of Getv.

For Getv beginners, as this article will tell you, I suggest to use the "direct download" method since it's pretty easy to learn. If you're familiar with Getv now, the "Bookmark download" method is strongly suggested to use. (I don't want to kill Getv so quickly. Take me to the "Bookmark download" method now.)

Here we go for "direct download" method:
(1) Find a favorite youtube video and copy the link to Getv as the pic shows. Press "Getv" when you're ready. (Please add Getv to your bookmark first so that you can use it next time.)


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