2010年6月12日 星期六

The Cutest and the Ugliest Videos Ever Had in Yourtube

Hi everyone, finally i found the cutest and the ugliest videos in youtube. I think I don't have to say too much about them....

The CUTEST CAT~~(Get it: Getv)

Oh..My...so disgusting......(Crazy enough to GET it: Getv)

寶寶吵架 外國寶寶們吵得好有道理喲
紫色閃電 大自然的美麗奇景
玉米片UFO 竟然有像玉米片的好吃幽浮
真人魁地奇 哈利波特小說金探子 真有其景
接吻竟然要小心 接吻病
